Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thirteen Reasons Why book review

My reaction after I finished the book:

The book is full of emotions & sadness, and the way Jay Asher wrote it is way too tragic and everything! I felt sorry for Hannah Baker, and the fact that the people on the cassette tapes only realized their mistakes when Hannah already died! >.< My reaction again:

This is all about the real problems of teenagers. The plot caught my eye, because it is somewhat unique and different, about a girl who commits suicide and recorded her reasons of doing it, and before she commit suicide she sent those cassette tapes to the first person.
From Cassette 1 to 4 (I think), I'm getting carried away by the incidents on that happened to Hannah. But when it came to cassette 5 to 7, the emotions started to get through me, when the tape is already about Clay Jensen, and then Bryce, and then to Mr. Porter. It's kind of a sad moment when it comes to Mr. Porter, that he didn't even know that Hannah is about to take a suicide and he was the last one she talked with, and the only one who had the chance to stop her. This is an overwhelming debut novel, realistic fiction about the problems some teens are facing. I recommend this for those who want to read teen fiction, drama & tragedy genre.

Other Reviews:

Thirteen Reasons Why is a realistic suicide book. Every little thing a person does counts.
The reason I read this book is because everyone is reading it at the moment, and I've been meaning to for a while.
The main plot is for Clay, the main character, to find out why Hannah Baker killed herself, through some tapes she left.
I liked the main character because he didn't let the little things bothered him, but allowed the big things to hit hard, not to push them down. I didn't like him because he didn't do enough to keep Hannah, to be with her.
I liked this book because I've never read anything like it, and I liked it because of the way it was written. I didn't like it because it's a sensitive topic for me at the moment.
The book was published in 2007.
Overall, I recommend this book for those of you who enjoy light easy reads, but quite serious topics.

Personally I thought it was amazingly done and very realistic. There weren't any embellishments or glorifications, it was true portrayal of teen suicide. We go through the story with Clay while he is listening to Hannah's tapes. The narration goes back and forth between the tapes and what Clay is doing/thinking. I really though this was a great way to pace the story and build up the suspense. And every single page is full of suspense. I really could have stayed up all night reading it.

What an unbelievable book. If you haven’t read it, you should. If your thinking about reading it do it now.

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